South Puget Sound Prairie/Oak Program Manager
(360) 584-2538 (Phone)
(360) 965-9445 (Fax)
2010 Report on Prairie Oak Burns
Cooperative Conservation
360-701-8803 (phone)
Join us in creating, preserving, enhancing, and restoring wildlife habitat by providing food, water, shelter, and a place to raise young - one yard at a time. Our project goal is 150 certified yards in Yelm and its neighboring communities. Yelm's 98597 zip code covers the Clear Lake, Lake Lawrence, City of Yelm and North Yelm areas in 2010. ( About 22,535 Persons per US CENSUS data 2010 Census tracts 124.11, 124.12, 125.10, 125.20)
Monogamous pairs form long-term bonds. Western Screech-Owls are secondary cavity nesters, making use of natural cavities, old Pileated Woodpecker or Northern Flicker holes, and nest boxes. They nest at heights from 5 to 30 feet from the ground. They do not add material to the nest. Pairs typically hatch one brood per year. The female incubates 3-5 eggs for 33-34 days while the male brings her food. Once the young hatch, the female broods for about three weeks while the male brings food to her and the owlets. The young leave the cavity and venture onto nearby branches 7-10 days later. They stay close to the nest for a few nights while they develop their ability to fly, and they continue to remain near the adults for about five weeks after their first flights.
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