Saw four medium sized birds with smooth black heads, long neck, long tan/gold and black spotted wings, with a spot of purple/green iridescent feathers under its wings to the left and right of its black breast. Orange/yellow beak and legs. Most listers identified this bird as a European Starling, but the images found did not do the bird justice! One indicated a Brewers, which its form and profile fit, however, the colorings of the bird given on the Seattle Audobon site also did not justify this bird. European Starlings are considered a nuisance bird, but these four were quite well mannered…and very pretty. These photos indicated a spotted breast. My birds did not have spotted breasts - only long spots of tan/gold and black on wings.

Stellar’s Jay appeared again this morning on my feeder. Most photographs I’ve seen do not capture the very front view of Stellar’s Jay and miss the two vertical hash marks above the Jay’s beak.
Also spotted a red, nearly cardinal type bird with white tail spots on grey/black. Had a red breast and white at head/neck.
These two birds make 11 bird species seen.
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