Friday, April 23, 2010

Mountain Bluebirds

Took a drive down Canal Rd and saw the resident Mountain Bluebird near
the oak stand. And I was surprised to see another Mountain Bluebird
1/4 mile past the oaks. There is alot of new construction going up on
Canal, very near this oak stand. I was happy to see two Mountain
Bluebirds though both male. I have yet to see a female Mountain
Bluebird. I know that there must be at least one female nearby.

Watched a Red Winged Blackbird that lives near the canal bridge on
Wilkenson along with a Raven and several swallows flying over the
canal. It is a wonder that these swallows can fly just above the
water. One swallow had a rusty brown back and two very long pin shaped
tail feathers ... so I suspect it may be a Barn Swallow.

Two Oregon Juncos appeared today at the leftover millet feeders. I
have had no visits since the Pine Siskins have emptied most all of the
millet feed in less than two days. It seems that the Pine Siskins do
not like to feed at a less than FULL feeder......I may have an idea
here and just not fill the feeders completely in order to see my
Chickadees and Juncos again. I have not seen the two pair of Pine
Siskins in about two days now. The Chickadees happily peck at the
millet that still remains at the feeder.

In the past week I have had a visit from a European Starling. He will
light on the suet to feed briefly. He has since moved on. European
Starlings are not frequent visitors to my yard.

I watched the Merlin fly over at about 5PM the other night. A local
Chickadee sent out a sharp set of alerts just before he flew into my
line of vision and then North. He was a very very light grey, Merlin.
Likely the same Merlin that I have seen here in and around my yard
before that most have attempted to convince me was a hawk. (I have
seen both here.) It is so neat to hear everything around you in the
yard go so silent and then....wait....and look around after the alert
call. I get a surprise nearly everytime!

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